Start Rebuilding Your Life After Your Maritime Injury

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do You Receive Your Materials?

Simply fill out the form to receive an immediate copy of the PDF version of your materials via your email.

Does this Cost Anything?

Requesting these materials does not obligate you to hire an attorney. We understand that you’re just looking for information at this time and we’re happy to provide that to you for free.

Why Do We Ask for Your Email?

This is to ensure that we get your materials to you as quickly as possible and that you have a copy of the materials in your email for future reference.

Will You Hear from Us? 

After a few weeks, one of our friendly staff members will either email or give you a call to make sure you received our materials and to see if you had any questions.

When you’ve been injured on the water, your company is under no legal obligation to keep you employed after your accident. Almost all maritime employment is “employment at will.” This means that your company can let you go for any reason they see fit. Even though your job is not protected, your rights are.

Do You Know the Answer?

  • How many days off during your injury are you entitled to?
  • Is your company required to pay your medical expenses? And if so, how much? For how long?
  • Is your company required to pay your living expenses?

All of this and more is covered in our free e-books.

What’s Included in the Maritime Injury Library?

When you fill out the form, you’ll receive instant access to our Maritime Injury Library which will give you the PDF versions of all of the following books & worksheets:

6 Must-Have Books that Will Guide You Through a Maritime Injury

  • The Guide to Maritime Injury Laws
  • From Tragedy to Triumph
  • Coping with a Maritime Injury: A Guidebook for Spouses
  • Secrets About Medical Issues Surrounding Your Offshore Injuries
  • Paying Your Bills & Getting Medical Treatment
  • Understanding Your Offshore Injury


Brochures and Worksheets to Give You Quick and Easy Answers

Maintenance and cure worksheet

  • Maintenance & Cure Worksheet
  • 8 Documents that Can Win Your Jones Act Case

These books and worksheets breaks down Maritime Injury Law in easy-to-understand concepts. You’ll get helpful tips and insider information on how personal injury cases work. You’ll learn common situations after an injury, how your company might respond, where you can go for financial resources, and more. Get answers today!

Call us today for a free, confidential chat with an attorney to discuss your situation: (504) 608-6308.