3D Book of Maritime Injury Laws Guidebook CoverGet all the information you need to make smart decisions about your future.

You’ll find out:

  • How to get more money from your company for your medical and living expenses
  • Whether the company doctor is giving you the treatment you deserve
  • Whether your company can fire you after an injury
  • Whether or not you should file a claim
  • And more…

What’s Included in the Maritime Injury Guide?

This book breaks down Maritime Injury Law in easy-to-understand concepts. You’ll get helpful tips and insider information on how personal injury cases work. You’ll learn common situations after an injury, how your company might respond, where you can go for financial resources, and more.

Maritime Injury Guide Table of Contents

Section Title Page Number
What Could I Possibly Know About You? vii
Tug and Barge Workers Unite 1
Qualifying as a Jones Act Seaman 3
Captains and Pilots: Heads Up! 7
Calling All Tankermen 9
Wires, Ratchets and Winches 11
Decks, Stairs and Other Slippery Areas 13
The Faqs 15
Should I Go Back to Work Asap? 15
Should I Settle on My Own? 17
Why is Jones Act Important? 28
Are You A Seaman? 31
Are You Being Kept Safe? 37
Common Myths Debunked 45
Let The Law Fight For You 53
Types Of Compensation 59
Where Should You File a Claim? 65
Finding the Right Person For the Job 68
5 Must-Have Qualities of Maritime Lawyers 71

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