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Oil Rig Injuries: Platform (Maritime) vs. Barge (Jones Act)

Last Updated on February 3, 2025 by Paige LeJeune

 Maritime Laws and Gulf of Mexico Oil Platforms

Workers on oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico can file an injury claim under the maritime laws. These laws protect the rights of workers employed on or near the water. OSHA doesn’t govern the safety regulations of oil platforms, and maritime laws are there to pick up this coverage for workers.

Gulf of Mexico oil platforms can be dangerous worksites with many hazards that could cause serious injury. Some of the common types of injury include the following: 

  • burns;
  • head trauma;
  • spinal cord injury;
  • toxic substance exposure;
  • impact injuries; and
  • respiratory damage.

Many of these injuries are suffered on oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico and are more severe than land injuries because there’s often a delay in getting an injured worker to proper medical treatment. This can lead to longer-than-normal recovery times or more severe disabilities resulting from your injuries. Maritime laws reflect these additional conditions and help make sure workers are fully compensated for these burdens.

Filing a Claim for Injury Suffered While On Jones Act Tankers 

For the Jones Act Law to apply to your oil rig injury claim, you must meet the following 3 conditions to be considered a Jones Act seaman: 

  • you must be employed on a vessel or fleet of vessels;
  • the vessel(s) must be in navigation; and
  • you must be employed at least 30% of the time on your vessel.

Most claimants have little difficulty proving the time they’re employed, but the type of vessel can offer some problems in filing a claim under Jones Act Law. There’s no guarantee that all types of Jones Act tankers or ships are governed by Jones Act Law, so it’s best to consult with an attorney first before attempting to file a claim.

Contact an Attorney for Workers on Oil Platforms in the Gulf of Mexico

Maritime law provides you with certain protections your employer may not want you to know about. A maritime law attorney from The Young Firm in New Orleans, Louisiana can help you if you have suffered maritime offshore accident injuries in a horrible diving accident or other accident that falls under maritime law or the Jones Act.

When you are ready to get started with your Jones Act injury case, we urge you to contact us today for a FREE case evaluation – call us at 504-680-4100.