Last Updated on March 6, 2025 by The Young Firm
One of the most common issues that maritime workers face when filing an injury claim for an accident, whether it’s on oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico or on Jones Act tankers, is whether their claim is covered by maritime law or the Jones Act Law. There’s a substantial difference between claims filed under each type of law, and you may need the help of a Jones Act or maritime law attorney to determine your rights.
Knowing Which Law Governs Your Offshore Injury Accident
Your association in a maritime accident is the key to determine whether your injury claim falls within the Jones Act Law or maritime law. If you work on oil platforms in the Gulf of Mexico or on a Jones Act tanker, your claim will most likely be determined by the provisions the Jones Act Law if you can prove that your employer was negligent.
If you’re a passenger of a vessel or a third party working on a platform or barge, your claim most likely will be filed under maritime law.
There are some cases of offshore injury in which your claim will be governed by both maritime and Jones Act Law. This is sometimes seen with Gulf of Mexico oil platforms that are not fixed to their location. While this often expands your rights and protections, it also can add new complications to your claim.
Each type of law offers different interpretations and rights to compensation for oil rig workers injured on the job. Much conflicting information can be found online, and it’s often difficult to know whom to trust when filing your oil rig injury claim.
Your best resource is an attorney whose practice focuses on helping victims of accidents on Gulf of Mexico oil platforms and Jones Act tankers. Call 504-680-4100 to schedule your consultation.