To help close out the 2017 school year, The Young Firm partnered with one of our former clients, John and his co-author Dianne, to help spread the message of anti-bullying to local schools in the greater New Orleans area. We ran an online contest, where parents submitted short answers describing why their children are amazing. The amount of feedback we received was both shocking and humbling! We had so many great entries, we couldn’t just pick one – and awarded author visits to THREE very deserving students and their schools.
Client Development Director Paige had the pleasure of attending the Elmwood Park Academy presentation on May 23. “It was so great to see how engaged the children were in the program. Every one of them wanted to play a part, and it was clear to see the positive impact it had on the students. It really was a wonderful, engaging show – I even caught myself grinning ear-to-ear and laughing throughout!”
A huge thank you to Write Hook Media, Captain Deadeye, Elmwood Park Academy, Galliano Elementary and all the parents who submitted entries about how amazing their children are. It was an absolute blast hearing just how amazing your children are and seeing all the students so engaged and excited to learn all about the Captain Deadeye message!
To learn more about Captain Deadeye, John and Dianne, and their “Stop Bullying! Be a Lifesaver!”